Jaime Theler –Chair
Ranee S. Clark – Chair Elect
Loralee Evans – Secretary
Cindy Bennett–Finance Chair
*Jessica Thompson–Assistant to the Finance Chair
Karen Hoover — Membership Chair
Jessica Kendall — Conference Chair
Emily Huey — Conference Co-Chair
*T.J. Bronley–Conference Finance*
Annette Lyon — Communications Chair
Mandy Buttars — SMIAH Conference Chair
Jerry Borrowman–At Large Representative
Taryn Skipper — Whitney Awards President
*Tiana Smith— Website Coordinator
*Non-voting members
Cindy Bennett
Karen Hoover
Heather Justesen
Jerry Borrowman
Taryn Skipper
Motion to approve the previous minutes. Ranee motions to approve. Jaime seconded. Minutes approved.
Follow Up:
- 2024 Conference Budget
- Amending bylaws (membership section)- Jaime will do
- SMIAH on the website – did not happen
- Dues – wording on site (Professional in Jan, Associate in July)
- Bank account discussion – different accounts for guild & conference?
- Membership spreadsheet – check with Karen
- New At-Large chair
- Member audit – problem solving – Jaime will email
2—CHAIRMAN & CHAIRMAN ELECT, Jaime Theler & Ranee Clark
Next month, when should we meet? Christmas is the 2nd to last Monday of that month.
Our meeting night in January would be the 22nd, unless we change it; registration opens on the 26th.
Let’s meet next on January 22, 2024.
Ranee reports they had a storymakers committee meeting. They’d like to start the Storymakers U again. And the Committee wants to move forward with the associates.
Whatever time of day Storymakers U is held, it would be recorded so anyone who wants could attend. The price would vary between Professional and Associate Tiers. Professional members would be free, Associate Members would pay an amount the Committee would agree on. 5 dollars or 10 were suggested.
3—SECRETARY, Loralee Evans
Nothing new to add.
4—FINANCE CHAIR, Cindy Bennett & Jessica Thompson
Cindy and Jessica meeting once a week. They’ve talked about budget and possible auditing. People who accidentally register twice need to be refunded. Jessica T will check on those people and make sure any records she sees twice get refunded.
We need to make communications clear to members so that people don’t accidentally pay twice. If there’s a way to send reminders only to people who have not paid their dues yet, will keep people who have paid, from paying again. Professional Tier people pay their dues in January, and Associate level Tier will pay in July.
5—WHITNEY CHAIR, Taryn Skipper
Not Present
Not Present
7—CONFERENCE CHAIR & CO-CHAIR, Jessica Kendall, Emily Huey
Will be ordering bags, lanyards, ribbons soon. We have the keynote speaker ready!
Wonder if Storymakers Ink. is still a viable entity.
When we pay the deposit for the conference center, we pay it a year in advance.
Who does Emily need to get permission from? Executive Committee. Chair, Co chair, Secretary, and T.J.
A list from Tiana of who hasn’t paid, and who has auto renewed. She’ll post the at-large information with the next newsletter.
So far, there have been no at-large applicants.
Is there a way to change the reply in emails so it doesn’t go to the conference chair.
Anytime someone replies to the newsletter, it goes to Emily. The Whitney Chair has their own email to send Whitney questions to.
Not present
10—AT LARGE CHAIR, Jerry Borrowman
Not Present
Action Items:
- Storymakers Ink – check on what they’re doing & who is in charge – Jessica Kendall
- 2024 Conference Budget – finish reviewing/questions via email then exec committee will vote – Jaime
- Amending bylaws (membership section)- Jaime
- SMIAH on the website – Jaime
- Dues wording on site (Professional in Jan, Associate in July) – Jaime
- Audit discussion – Jaime, Ranee, Jessica, Cindy, Jerry
- Membership spreadsheet – Karen
- Dues logistics – Jaime, Karen, Jessica, Cindy
- Ribbon discussion – Ranee
Jessica K. motions to adjourn and Emily seconds the motion. The meeting is adjourned.