Crystal Liechty — Chair
Jamie Theler –Chair-Elect, Guild Committee President
Loralee Evans – Secretary
Cindy Bennett–Finance Chair
Rebecca Carlson — Membership Chair
Wendy Jessen — Conference Chair
Jessica Kendall — Conference Co-Chair
*T.J. Bronley–Conference Finance*
Annette Lyon — Communications Chair
*Jessica Thompson–Assistant to the Communications Chair*
Traci Abramson — SMIAH Conference Chair
Jerry Borrowman–At Large Representative
Jennie Bennett–At Large Representative
Taryn Skipper — Whitney Awards President
*Non-voting members
Lori Parker
Cindy Bennett
Annette Lyon
Jessica Thompson
Traci Abramson
Jennie Bennett
2—CHAIRMAN & CHAIRMAN ELECT, Crystal Liechty & Jamie Theler
The person working on the website has been invited to our meeting. The website person has some questions about the website. She wanted to know can we combine the newsletter lists to just having one newsletter.
If we want the conference and Whitneys all under one umbrella, what do we want the newsletter sign-up to say? It is proposed that it would just say “sign up for the Storymaker’s newsletter.”
We have a mission statement that the IRS needs. We will need to find that.
Should we vote to bring SMIAH Midwest Conference under our umbrella? We can’t make a decision on that right now and will get back to SMIAH.
The website designer suggests that what is emphasized on the website is what people go to the most.
Co-Chair says she and her committee have a meeting this week. The first thing they’ll discuss is membership ideas. They’ll get started on that, and what the main areas are that we want to tackle.
3—SECRETARY, Loralee Evans
Nothing new to add.
4—FINANCE CHAIR, Cindy Bennett and Lori Parker
Not present.
5—WHITNEY CHAIR, Taryn Skipper
We are smashin’ it with nominations. We’re up to where we were last year!
6—MEMBERSHIP CHAIR, Rebecca Carlson
We’ve changed the payment system last year. Some people’s memberships are expiring. There are 77 people who have not renewed their membership. If we wait until January. They will have gotten a few free months.
I propose that we not bug these people until January.
Crystal moves that we not worry about membership until January. BOD members in attendance voted to approve Rebecca’s idea.
7—CONFERENCE CHAIR & CO-CHAIR, Wendy Jessen, Jessica Kendall
Conference finance submitted that budget to Chair, and Chair thinks the budget looks fine. Does Crystal like it? Crystal thinks the budget looks fine.
Keynotes have accepted.
Conference finance can sent the budget to Finance Chair.
8—COMMUNICATIONS CHAIR, Annette Lyon, Jessica Thompson
Not present
Not present
10—AT LARGE CHAIR, Jerry Borrowman, Jennie Bennett
Nothing new to add.
Conference Co-chair moves to adjourn. Chair Elect seconds. Meeting adjourned.