Storymakers Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, 7 December 2021
Shelly Brown — Chair
Crystal Liechty — Chair-Elect
Lindzee Armstrong — Outgoing Secretary
Loralee Evans – Incoming Secretary
Lori Parker – Outgoing Finance Chair
Cindy Bennett —Incoming Finance Chair
Emily Huey — Whitney Awards President
Cindy Whitney — Communications Chair
Tara Allred — At Large Representative
Cassie Cook — Conference Chair
Traci Abramson — SMIAH Conference Chair
Rebecca Carlson — Membership Chair
Wendy Jessen — Conference Co-Chair
Shelly began the recording and made a motion to approve the minutes from the
last meeting, and Loralee seconded it.
Shelly welcomed Loralee, Cindy Bennett, and Tara to the meeting and asked if
they had any questions. Loralee asked where she uploads the minutes, and Lindzee
clarified it’s the Google Drive folder and the Facebook group. Tara asked where the
lives are, and Cindy said it’s under the events tab in the guild Facebook group.
2—CHAIRMAN& CHAIRMAN ELECT, Shelly Brown & Crystal Liechty
The lawyer isn’t being as fast as we would like. Our forms should be finished but
there isn’t and update on where we are in the process. We’ve given her all the
information so we should be close.
Moving forward, we need to bring a bunch of stuff before all of the Guild
membership—the bylaws and all of that.
Whitney’s asked if they needed to appoint a co-chair to the Whitneys. It is not
currently something that is in bylaws or policy and procedures so it would be up to the
Whitney’s to decide if they need or want one.
It is reiterated that bylaws and policies and procedures will be posted in the BOD
group, and then we will vote on it and present it to the Guild.
3—SECRETARY, Lindzee Armstrong
Nothing to report.
4—FINANCE CHAIR, Lori Parker
The old Storymakers will hold onto all the old money earned prior to Dec 31st of
this year until either 1) the new Storymakers is granted its non-profit status or 2) it is not
granted its non-profit status. At that at point, all money from the old Storymakers will
transfer to the new Storymakers.
If you have expenditures between now and the end of the year, double check
with Finance so we can make sure it’s coming out of the right account.
Everything we earn starting January 1st will go into the new Storymakers (guild,
conference, Whitneys). The old Storymakers becomes the rainy day fund and to help
with the conference.
We have closed the conference PayPal account. The Guild PayPal will continue
to run through the end of the year, which will make it the easiest to start with the new
membership fee Jan 1st. Everyone will now pay their Guild dues in January, but 2022 will be pro-rated based on when you paid in 2021.
Clarification on who Whitney’s approaches about expenditures. They should
approach the finance committee.
The Whitney committee picked who to honor for the Lifetime Achievement
Award. Brandon Sanderson and Darias Gray. They both accepted and the
announcement will be made soon.
6—MEMBERSHIP CHAIR, Rebecca Carlson
Rebecca was not present.
7—CONFERENCE CHAIR& CO-CHAIR, Cassie Cook & Wendy Jessen
Cassie and Wendy were not present.
Call for newsletter items.
New website looks messy on mobile still. That needs to be fixed before
announcing the new website to the membership.
Traci was not present.
10—AT LARGE CHAIRS, Tara Allred
Tara wanted to know what she does in her position. It is explained to her that a
guild committee will be formed once the new bylaws are passed then her and the other
At-Larges will try to figure out how to make the guild the best.
Shelly thanked everyone for their work and made a motion to adjourn the
meeting. Cindy W seconded it and the meeting ended.