Storymakers Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, 3 May 2022
Shelly Brown — Chair
Crystal Liechty — Chair-Elect
Loralee Evans – Secretary
Cindy Bennett–Finance Co-Chair
Emily Huey — Whitney Awards President
Rebecca Carlson — Membership Chair
Cassie Cook — Conference Chair
Wendy Jessen — Conference Co-Chair
Cindy Whitney — Communications Chair
Traci Abramson — SMIAH Conference Chair
Lori Parker – Finance Chair
Shelly votes to approve the minutes. Cindy W. seconds. Minutes from last month approved.
2—CHAIRMAN& CHAIRMAN ELECT, Shelly Brown & Crystal Liechty
Shelly talked to the lawyer. The lawyer said most of the changes were fine. In 4:13, the power to make by-laws, we are asking that it says the membership can ratify. The lawyer would add language to the beginning of the paragraph about ratifying.
There are a lot of little things. In 11:1 the very last sentence is required by law.
3—SECRETARY, Loralee Evans
Please look over the edited minutes, and make sure that what is there, is accurate and appropriate.
4—FINANCE CHAIR, Cindy Bennett and Lori Parker
They’re almost done scheduling for the in-person conference. The only people she hasn’t heard back from are teachers who are on the committee. Traci will grab these people at Storymakers.
Finance and SMIAH discuss moving the finances from Indie Author Hub back to Storymakers. Doing this fully would require some changes to bylaws and policy and procedures that we aren’t in a position to do at the moment but we can allow them to use our platform temporarily for the year while we get our organization in order and introduce bringing them back into the membership. Cindy motions to allow SMIAH to run their finances through Storymakers for the 2022 year, Rebecca seconds and the vote passes.
Can we have a thing on the website that gets donations for the Whitneys? Everyone is okay with that.
We also have all the printing done. Numbers are discussed and approval granted for reimbursement.
6—MEMBERSHIP CHAIR, Rebecca Carlson
Proposed to accept two new members. Petition letters were reviewed and discussion about qualifications and precedence. Two new members were both voted on and approved.
Review of Storymentors.
7—CONFERENCE CHAIR & CO-CHAIR, Cassie Cook & Wendy Jessen
Cassie says the conference is next week, and we’re all set! Conference Chairs had the meeting with keynote speaker. Last committee meeting went well. We’re sold out. Many virtual tickets have been sold, too. Whitneys has had more tickets, too.
Applicants for positions are discussed and some voted on. Others will be voted on by general membership.
The keynote is confirmed and Traci just has a few things lined up, but things are falling in place for SMIAH.
Shelly moves to adjourn. Emily seconds. Meeting adjourned.