*Jaime Theler –Chair
*Ranee S. Clark – Chair Elect
*Need to fill – Secretary
*Jessica Thompson– Treasurer
*Karen Hoover — Membership Chair
*Annette Lyon — Communications Chair
*Need to fill – At Large Representative
*Need to fill – At Large Representative
*Taryn Skipper — Whitney Awards President
*Jessica Kendall — Conference Chair
Emily Huey — Conference Co-Chair
Marla Buttars — SM-KC Conference Chair
T.J. Bronley–Conference Finance
Tiana Smith— Website Coordinator
*Voting members (Conference gets 1 vote)
Emily Huey, TJ Bronley, Marla Buttars
Follow Up from previous meeting
- Approve March meeting minutes – Ranee approves, JK seconds
- BOD vacancies: At-large reps (2) & secretary
- **no responses
- idea: email direct invitations – Jaime write up blurb for individual emails
- Work with Annette for an email campaign and inform inactive members and give a deadline before removing from FB group – Jaime, Karen, Annette
- Trying to give people one last chance
New Items to discuss
Chair (Jaime)
- BOD vacancies
- Tiana done in June? Position we may need to reach out to people who have the right skills.
- Taryn expressed interest
- Guild dinner Thurs night before the conference – Joe Vera’s?? Ask Jared Quan
- Membership – remove members who aren’t current on dues
- Is the expired list accurate? (as of 1/22/24)
- Current list to conference for discounts?
- Storymentors – taking a year off
- unpublish that page?
- Vote on new Finance policy – SM Finance Policy v. 1
- Wait for Emily to review & see if her questions are answered, then vote
Chair Elect (Ranee)
- Guild committee
- Storymakers U
- April class went well – almost 40 people signed up
- Melanie Jacobson volunteered for the next one
- Stacy Lynn Carroll associate member?
- Can I get a list of Associate Members to add to the group?
Secretary (vacant)
Treasurer/Finance (Jessica T)
- Budget for 2024 – completed
- Eventual honorariums for BOD – let’s talk about those
- Federal taxes and our tax professional – he has everything and is working on that
- State taxes 2023 and 2022 – Jessica T. will ask tax professional for details
- Audit results – completed
Membership (Karen)
- Big Membership Spreadsheet, updated 4/9/24
- LIfetime members: Marsha Ward, Robison Wells
- Maybe a way to put them in a different tier in Wishlist
- Karen will send Associate list to Ranee
- We will double check the membership list for inactive members
- Give inactive members until April 30 then remove them from FB
Conference (Jessica K & Emily)
- Please go over and give posts some love – likes, comments, etc.
- Registration up until the Saturday before 5/4, but meals not guaranteed after 4/24
Whitneys (Taryn)
- Needs to edit outstanding achievement award videos
- I noticed another place where we need to change to the current guild name (conference faq) – removing the LD question – taken care of
- Cutoff for Whitney tickets is 4/24
- A sponsorship allows scholarship recipients to have gala tickets
Communications (Annette)
- Open BOD positions: No applications. Suggestions for getting them filled?
- Membership renewal updates & schedule for deleting expired ones
- Submissions for the newsletter: please send by 4/28
SM-KC Conference (Marla)
- Got our presenters lined up. We will create our registration page this summer with registration opening September 1. Tamara Grantham has a table at Storymakers to bring awareness to our conference. John Burger said he got the fliers to whoever requested them for the conference so hopefully that is good to go.
- As for video uploads, we’re going to use YouTube so it won’t cause a problem with Cvent next year.
At Large (vacant)
Website Coordinator (Tiana)
- Guild emails – a bit of a mess
- Create a master sheet
- Jaime – check with Jerry about at large email
Action Items
- Reach out to members individually to invite them to apply for BOD positions – Jaime & Annette
- Final review of finance policy – Jaime
- Create master email spreadsheet – Tiana
- Inactive members that they will be removed after 4/30 – final warning & Karen will remove from FB & adjust in Wishlist
- Lifetime members – Jaime & Karen
- Unpublish Storymentors page on site – Tiana
- Ask Jared Quan if he’d be willing to organize the guild dinner Thurs night (if not, Jaime will do it) – Ranee
Items of business for upcoming BOD meetings
- Jaime – BOD/Exec Committee bylaws review
- Guild doc storage – Jaime leaning toward Dropbox
- Official docs, process docs, membership spreadsheet
Motion to adjourn
Jessica K motioned, Jessica T seconded