*Jaime Theler –Chair
*Ranee S. Clark – Chair Elect
*Need to fill – Secretary
*Jessica Thompson– Treasurer
*Karen Hoover — Membership Chair
*Annette Lyon — Communications Chair
*Need to fill – At Large Representative
*Need to fill – At Large Representative
*Taryn Skipper — Whitney Awards President
*Jessica Kendall — Conference Chair
Emily Huey — Conference Co-Chair
Marla Buttars — SM-KC Conference Chair
T.J. Bronley–Conference Finance
Tiana Smith— Website Coordinator
*Voting members (Conference gets 1 vote)
Ranee Clark, Karen Hoover, Marla Buttars, T.J. Bronley
Follow Up from previous meeting
Feb meeting agenda/minutes – JT approved, JK approved
- BOD vacancies: At-large reps (2) & secretary
- Annette, can I get the links to the application forms so I can post on FB??
- Work through additional questions of the finance policy before voting – Jaime – NEW Finance policy – SM Finance Policy v. 1
- Work with Annette for an email campaign and inform inactive members and give a deadline before removing from FB group – Jaime, Karen, Annette
- Trying to give people one last chance
New Items to discuss
Chair (Jaime)
- Finance – checking on Divvy/bill & how it’s going
- Guild doc storage – Jaime leaning toward Dropbox
- Official docs, process docs, membership spreadsheet
Chair Elect (Ranee)
- Guild committee
- Storymakers U again – I’ll be posting the announcement and sign up today (9/25 am). Jaime will be teaching us a very relevant class on AI. Free for guild prof. members, $5 for associate. No other access. (This will hopefully be something that drives some memberships.)
- Website issues with membership – Can we get this resolved as soon as possible? (All applications are being funneled to Associate members) Especially with (hopefully) more associate memberships coming. Is there a fix, how does it need to be fixed?
Are Associate members being sent a pay link?
With the return of Storymakers U, and (again, hopefully) more associate and possibly more professional memberships, we need to make sure we’re approving memberships as quickly as we can.
Secretary (vacant)
Treasurer/Finance (Jessica T)
- Audit completed – confirmation form sent? check with Ranee
- Budget for 2024 – do next call when we have more in attendance
Membership (Karen)
- Help figuring out website issues
- Big Membership Spreadsheet, updated 2/26/24
Conference (Jessica K & Emily)
- Solidifying standardized policies
- Registration – just over 600
Whitneys (Taryn)
- I noticed another place where we need to change to the current guild name (conference faq) – removing the LD question
- Doing good for number of people at the gala
Communications (Annette)
SM-KC Conference (Marla)
At Large (vacant)
Website Coordinator (Tiana)
Action Items
- Troubleshoot associate/professional application issues – Karen, Tiana, Ranee (Jaime will reach out to Rebecca C)
- Adjust Whitney pages with guild terminology and ratify any necessary changes – Taryn & Jaime
- Advertise BOD vacancies – Annette
- Final review of finance policy – Jaime
Items of business for upcoming BOD meetings
- Jaime – BOD/Exec Committee bylaws review
- Jaime – Check wording on site
MOtion to adjourn – JK, Taryn seconds