CASSIE M. SHIELS is a multi-genre author. She was born in Idaho but moved around the Pacific Northwest while growing up. She has always enjoyed books and was often found reading on the school bus, before she did her homework, and late into the night. (Wait, she still does that!) In middle school she determined that she liked creating her own stories as much as she liked reading them; so she decided she wanted to become an Author and keeps working on making that dream come true with every story idea that bounds into her head. She says that stories are just a part of her, and if you ask her, she often writes more than one book at a time and has a completely different story in her head. She has self-published several books under the name Cassie Shiels and Cassie M. Shiels. She loves to help encourage new writers and has served in different writing organizations. Currently, she works at Kimberbell as a Technical Writer and Product Development Tester and she lives in Logan, UT with her husband and five kids.