Board of Directors

Raneé Clark
Serves one year, conducting monthly board meetings and directing Storymakers Author Guild (voted in by the board).

Tifani Clark
Chair-Elect/Guild Committee Chair
Serves one year, assisting the chair, and then a second year taking over as the chair (voted in by the board).

Heidi O’Barr
Serves one year, with the option of extending to two years, taking minutes of monthly board meetings, making and posting agendas, and recording the history of the group (elected).

Jessica Thompson
Finance Chair
Serves two years, overseeing and coordinating all the organization’s financial matters (appointed by the board).

Julie Whipple
Whitney Awards Chair
Appointed by the board after recommendation by the previous awards president. Must have already served on the Whitney Awards committee in the past. Serves one to two years, overseeing and coordinating the entire Whitney Awards program, including their finances and planning and executing the Whitney Awards Gala. (Special Note: The Whitney Awards President and the members of the Whitney Awards Committee are ineligible to win a Whitney Award for the year/s they serve.)

Janet Sumner Johnson
Membership Chair
Serves one year, with the option of extending to two years, overseeing Membership, including determining eligibility, inviting and/or adding new members to the group, verifying payments and dues, and maintaining a current membership list (appointed by the board).

Emily Inouye Huey
Conference Chair
Serves one year, coordinating all aspects of the annual Storymakers Conference with the help of a committee (appointed by the board).

Tiana Smith
Conference Co-Chair
Serves one year, coordinating all aspects of the annual Storymakers Conference with the help of a committee (appointed by the board).

T.J. Bronley
Conference Finance
Serves two years, overseeing and coordinating all the conference financial matters (appointed by the board).

Kaylee Baldwin
Communications Chair
Serves one year, with the option of extending to two years, overseeing the website and any other online presence, as well as coordinating media publicity efforts and community outreach efforts (appointed by the board).

Marla Buttars
SMIAH Conference Chair
Appointed by the board as the representative for the Storymakers Indie Author Hub Conference. Serves one year.

Gregg Luke
At Large Representative
Serves one year, reaching out to members of the community (elected by the guild members).