ROMA PANGANIBAN graduated from Allegheny College with a degree in English and Psychology before attending the University of York (UK) for postgraduate studies in Modern and Contemporary Literature & Culture. She began her publishing career at The Gernert Company before joining Janklow & Nesbit in 2019. Her taste leans literary, but she is open to a broad range of adult fiction, including novels and collections that embrace genre elements—speculative, historical, mystery, sci-fi, fantasy—as well as those that defy categorization altogether. In children’s fiction, Roma prefers more high-concept, plot-driven MG and more introspective, character- and voice-driven YA, whether contemporary or historical. She is also looking for narrative nonfiction that reorients our understanding of history, culture, science, society, education, and/or ourselves, as well as creative nonfiction that appeals equally to the heart, mind, and sense of humor.
Roma is a member of the American Association of Literary Agents (AALA) and an ambivalent Twitter user (@romapancake). She lives in Brooklyn and on the internet.