Storymakers Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, 1 February 2022
Shelly Brown — Chair
Loralee Evans – Secretary
Lori Parker – Finance Chair
Emily Huey — Whitney Awards President
Rebecca Carlson — Membership Chair
Cassie Cook — Conference Chair
Wendy Jessen — Conference Co-Chair
Cindy Whitney — Communications Chair
Tara Allred — At Large Representative
Crystal Liechty — Chair-Elect
Cindy Bennett–At Large Representative
Traci Abramson — SMIAH Conference Chair
2—CHAIRMAN& CHAIRMAN ELECT, Shelly Brown & Crystal Liechty
Shelly motions to approve the minutes, Cindy Whitney approves.
3—SECRETARY, Loralee Evans
Nothing new to add
4—FINANCE CHAIR, Lori Parker with Cindy Bennett
Old Storymakers is listed as non-profit by Utah. New Storymakers need to put sales tax on
conference tickets. Donations were also taxed and that needs to be addressed. We’ve been
trying to get a hold of Utah Tax, but because it’s tax season, the Tax Commission has been
really busy. Just to check that even though we will be a non-profit will we still have to pay taxes
on conference tickets? Hopefully, we can get it all ironed out soon.
We are still looking for a tax person, and the sooner we can find someone, we will get these
questions answered.
We want to make sure that none of the emails are lost with new URLs.
We are just continuing forward with things. Books are out to the academy now, so they’re
reading them!
6—MEMBERSHIP CHAIR, Rebecca Carlson
Storymentors will be coming towards its first year of the program. We have prepared a
survey to send out for that. Would it be possible for us to have room at the opening
social so that mentors and mentees to meet up, and for people interested in the
program to ask questions? Conference will look into that.
Could we have a small thank you gift for the mentors? They will have to take that
question to finance since they aren’t in the meeting.
Looking forward to next year, they’d like to advertise the program. Could they put a
page on the website? Yes, on the guild part, not the main website.
On the conference Facebook group, we had good participation. Could we have an
at-large position for Storymentors? That’s possible. Have the new members been voted
in yet? No, just Tara.
Rebecca says there are a few new members who have not been voted in yet. She will
send us emails to vote soon.
7—CONFERENCE CHAIR & CO-CHAIR, Cassie Cook & Wendy Jessen
Wendy has selected a co-chair for the 2023 conference. Her co-chair was presented
and voted on.
Could an At-Large take on the job of adding new releases to the monthly blog posts?
A librarian asked if we could create a page with all LDS writers. This is something we
should consider later but is too much for right now. Maybe on the blog/website.
10—AT LARGE CHAIR,Tara Allred
Considering who could present at Storymakers U. Requested a list of previous
Storymakers will be hitting its 20th anniversary next year. We could present something
at the conference next year. This year we could put something out for people to share
that we could present at the conference celebrating the 20th anniversary of
If we could have a Storymakers historian, and find out who was in charge of past
conferences, it would be really great. It would be great if we could find those bits of
At-Large will do the reservation for the guild dinner on Thursday evening. She will send
out a sign up sheet for guild members.
Shelly motions to end the meeting Cindy and Lori second to adjourn.