Storymakers Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, 6 April 2021
Shelly Brown — Chair-Elect
Lindzee Armstrong — Secretary
Lori Parker — Finance Chair
Kara Reynolds — Whitney Awards President
Rebecca Carlson — Membership Chair
Melanie Jacobson — Conference Chair
Cassie Cook — Conference Co-Chair
Don Carey — SMIAH Conference Chair/At Large Representative
Chelsea Hale — Chair
Cindy Whitney — Communications Chair
Paige Edwards — At Large Representative
Shelly asked Melanie to start the recording. Shelly asked for someone to approve
the minutes. Rebecca made a motion and Melanie seconded it.
2—CHAIRMAN, Chelsea Hale
Not present.
3—CHAIRMAN ELECT, Shelly Brown
The BOD will be put to work as volunteers. With the limited number of
people coming to the conference, there will be less people to help.
4—SECRETARY, Lindzee Armstrong
Nothing to report.
5—FINANCE CHAIR, Lori Parker
Taxes were paid two weeks before everything happened and we’re good there due to our awesome accountant.
6—WHITNEY CHAIR, Kara Reynolds
The board was asked to approve the next president of the Whitney Awards
Committee for next year. A vote was called to have for the next committee member.
Everyone present voted yes.
Plans are moving ahead for the gala. Ballots will be sent out on Thursday, and
they have until the 15th to vote, which is a hard deadline.
7—MEMBERSHIP CHAIR, Rebecca Carlson
Kara and Rebecca have been putting together a proposal for a mentorship
program, where guild members would mentor either less-experienced guild members or
non-guild members. Want it run as a low-key, not stressful thing. Shelly said she takes over as president in August and has been looking very
hard at what this guild is and what it does and what services it provides and what we’re
hoping to do with the guild. It was mentioned that the mentorship program sounds like a
great idea that will help people.
It was suggested that feelers be sent out and come back in the BOD facebook
page with the data and we can decide what to do moving forward. We will only mentee
the number of people we have mentors for. A newsletter should be sent out for it.
8—CONFERENCE CHAIR, Melanie Jacobson
They don’t really have anything to report. They’re hammering out details and will
have 50 additional live spots open up. The priority will go to those already registered for
virtual to move over. 99% sure the numbers in Utah won’t drop enough to go to the full
conference, so they’re planning on 450 at the conference. 98% of the feedback has
been positive, the support of the BOD is still needed.
Not present.
Did a soft launch on the SMIAH registration to work out any bugs, and will be
sending out a newsletter for registration this week. Appreciate the work on Storymakers
that will trickle down to SMIAH.
11—AT LARGE CHAIRS, Paige Edwards
Was not present.
Shelly made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Rebecca seconded it.